Monday, May 25, 2009

My not-so-green thumb

In my attempt to become more self-reliant, I decided to plant some veggies.  I used seed starting potting soil and planted tomatoes, cucumbers and some herbs in these cute little peat pots....I even watered them everyday (OK...almost everyday.)  Well, I did not have a planting tray for them to sit in and they were drying out way to quick.  I just could not keep them watered enough.  I decided to put them in our sled hoping that it would hold any water that drained from the pots and keep the seedlings nicely hydrated.  Well, I waited weeks for my little sproutlets to appear....nothing to my dismay.  I was so disappointed.  I figured my seeds were duds.  They were the really cheap .20 each.  I was about to give up on this whole gardening thing when the most amazing thing happened.  It rained and rained...and rained.  I know rain is a wonderful thing.  It is like a magical tonic and it cleanses the earth.  I watered and watered for weeks and nothing.  It rains for two days and voila`... sprouts.  The sad thing is out of all the seeds I planted only three or four pots have sprouted seedlings, but that's OK.  I'll take it.  At least my effort wasn't a complete bust thanks to mother nature.


chelsea mckell said...

ha - I know whatcha mean about not having good luck with plants! Well at least someone enjoyed the rain these past few days... are you going to keep them in your backyard?? I'll have to make sure Brianna doesn't run over there and destroy them while she's playing with Addison (if they ever come home!)
Hey - do you do hair out of your home? Do you do men's cuts? My husband needs a haircut. If you don't - can you recommend a place around here that does men's haircuts? His is really simple

Unknown said...

I am proud that you even tried to plant veggies! What a good kid you are! Yes Chelsea, we are coming home...someday :) LOL